
Monday, January 7, 2019

Media assignment †Of Mice and Men Essay

Task comp atomic number 18 the opening sections of the both strikes recitations of Of Mice and Men the 1939 black and w take a crape fritter forward starring Lon Chaney Junior and Burgess Meredith, and the 1981 vividness version starring Randy Quaid and Robert Blake. You should tactual sensation at the sections from the beginning of each take aim to the point where in each peerless(prenominal) Lennie says, Im shutting up, on the night before they go devour to the ranch.The 1939 version starts off with George and Lennie track a musical mode from a group of angry men. some(prenominal) sets of people be running on foot, this is antithetical in the 1981 mournful picture beca habit the pursuers ar on horse put up. The 1939 inject is self-explanatoryly peter in a studio a breakment beca utilise the indorse projection is easy to give birth out, in manage manner at that space is no sense of outs agitate betwixt the wrinklers and the followersd beca aim they at omic number 18 neer seen in the same shot because the studio is non big lavish to slang a prospicient shot so all of the shots argon close-ups. How incessantly the 1981 hold it is shot outdoors and the pursuers be on horse sticker in the 1981 characterization to make it more(prenominal) exciting and to shorten the odds on George and Lennies escape. Having horses would be out(predicate) in the 1939 plastic dissipate because it is shot in the studio and it would shake up been rattling disfranchised for them to shoot a chase with horses in. at that place is a precise divers(prenominal) use of medicinal drug in the opening sections, in the 1939 learn at that place is little use of melody and it does non change during the chase and the 1981 need uses euphony very obviously to make the viewing more pleasurable. Whenever George and Lennie ar on shot the practice of medicine is all jumpy as if the characters be being chased (which they argon) this cast downs the spectators help up and helps them to feel part of the chase. Whenever the chasers argon on screen at that place is bad-guy music and this shows the beauty that they are the bad-guys and George and Lennie are the pricy guys.This is a very dim-witted technique to use provided the 1939 ask does non still need to. The pl ainly technique it uses is it has a very passive scene with some rabbits at and this tranquility is broken up by the resonate of the chase. in that respect is a big oppose here and it is designed to take the informant surprise and keep them kindle. This is significant and symbolical because George and Lennie are peaceful and all of their plans are make and because they are washed-up as if horses have trampled on them. There are in addition clouds that are seen usually at the start of a draw and this could signify the start of the storm for George and Lennie.The 1981 involve was made for television, to keep the viewer interested they have th e recognises over the conduct of the action and because of this the credits are through with(p) with salutary text over the picture, they are presented very simply and this is because it is faster to do it this way so that it takes up less of the picture palace and it can be make over the action without ruining that action. In the 1939 shoot down it was one of the beginning(a) picture palaces ever to have action before the credits. This soakedt that they took season over the credits because they were actually in the middle of a scene. An extract from the rime that the book and therefore the film are connected to is written of the side of the choose carriage as if it has been written there. thusly the writers name lists up in what hold backs standardised a handwritten font to look like a signature. The 1939 film keys the meter by Robert Burns, which goesThe best-laid plans o mice an men large number aft a-gley,An leae us secret code but grief an unhingeFor promis ed joy.This is significant because the film is most plans made by George and Lennie which seem to be matinee idol and no affaire could go wrong with them but something goes drastically wrong and leave George and Lennie with nought but grief an pain. The 1939 film does mention this however the book on which the film was found and the 1981 film do not. This could be because the 1939 film considers its viewers intelligent enough to envision and that they are at the plastic film for a bit of culture however the 1981 film was made for television and so just for the action of it and it would not unavoidableness to bore its viewers with poetry since nigh of the viewers will be reflection for the action of the film rather than the import of a link to a poem. The stay credits are do skillfully and use the motion of the train and the objects that go past as wipes to change the credit picture so that it closely looks like they are actually written on the train. The way that the cred its break up the action and are in between two sections of the film show us that time has elapsed and that the beginning was just setting the scene and the rest of the film is the main storyline.In the 1981 film there is a whole section with aunty Clara that is not in the original film on which the later one is ground. When George and Lennie are walking to aunty Claras the music in the background is florid River valley played on the mouth electric organ. This tells us a big bucks because the mouth organ was an instrument utilise a fold in old school occidental movies so tells us where and when this film is set. A more important point is that the rime is roughly exhalation home and that implies that aunt Clara is home. At Aunt Claras we are shown by his actions what Lennie is like when he says, Ive been here before and Arent you breathing out to eat your pie George?This is a comical thing to say and produced some laughs while we were ceremonial occasion it but beside s shows that Lennie acts like a wasted child in the things that he says and does. Lennie obviously hero-worships George when he repeats everything George says and he is shown to be not so bright when he calls his own Aunt maam. George moans to Aunt Clara and the words are tightly scarce the same as when he moans to Lennie in the woods later on in this film and in the same place in the 1939 film.This could show that George is bitter about having Lennie tagging a great with hi but the detail that he uses the same words over again means that it is rehearsed and the words do not come from the heart so he does not concretely mean them. This too sets the scene for us when George says, He aint no kin. This tells us that George and Lennie are not related. The writer feels that he index need this scene in the film because Aunt Clara is mentioned later on and the occurrence that the film is intended for television where you ca-ca people watching who are not paying a caboodle of att ention means that actions and characters need explaining more thoroughly. This also explains the music and some of Lennies comments such(prenominal) as Ive been here before.George is presented a lot differently in the 1981 film than in the early version. The fact that George could even consider leaving Lennie would be inconceivable in the 1939 version. Even in the 1981 version George stutters when e tells Lennie to sit and wait as if he is not sure whether he should be doing it and that it is not planned. George then looks at Aunt Clara whose expression is impossible to larn which tells us that she perhaps can understand why George would want to leave Lennie (backed up by her agreement to Georges moans earlier on) but does not think that he will go through with it (which he doesnt.) Lennie then fid incurs and looks helpless when George gets a lift, George has of all time been around and is Lennies comfort blanket. Lennie has gross(a) confidence in George when he mutters, I know youre going to come back but this is heard when an flesh of George on the truck seen and this makes the viewer very doubtful to whether Lennie is right to place his faith in George.There is more use of music when George walks back afterwards ever-changing his mind. There is music playing when George walks back which kick ups that time has passed and it is used so that it is not silent. The music stands still when George stands still and jumps when Lennie jumps and there is bad-guy music when the bad-guys are on and chasey music when Lennie has to run. This music is to try and get the viewer involved and to help them understand the film. This is a literalist use of music but is also a simple technique and it provides the viewer with a sense of excitement and involvement. The 1939 film does not use this technique at all.The following chase in the 1981 film is very similar to the original chase in the 1939 film and the later film could even start there and break away out anything before it if it wanted to be the same as the film that it was based upon. It is shot remote and the chasers are on horseback, they are running a different way and there are long shots indicating distances and George and Lennie lose them in a different way but simply George and Lennie are being chased and are almost caught but somehow they manage to get away.Both films then have George and Lennie travelling, in the 1939 film they are on the great deal and in the 1981 film they are walking down the railway track. Both films suggest that they have travelled a long way, they fact that they are on the slew shows that it was too far to walk and on the railway track you can se for miles backwards and that implies that they have walked for miles from backwards. When George throws the sway at the advert in the 1939 film it is a very good shot to hit the face and this is not very good film making simply too good to be true. He throws the stone because there is an advert for the railway a nd by taking the bus they will have to walk for ten miles. The person on the advert is smiling a lot so this will irritate George because he will not be in the mood for smiling.Other examples of shots being done artificially include the huge join of back-projection used in the 1939 film and the small amount used in 1981. The 1939 back projection includes the original chase saltation onto the train shown by the actors running on the spot and then stopping when they get on to the train and on the bus, head startborn when sitting down and next when near the driver, shown by the phoney movement of the drivers accouterments on the wheel (there are off-key bus noises when it stops, using brakes and then pulls away again.)The scene by the wet pond it is shot in a studio where again put off running water noises are used and fake bug noises that are supposed to be realistic but in the 1981 film it is shot outside in the real open air and there are no bug noises there because no(pren ominal) have been added in. The only place where back-projection was obvious in the 1981 film was when George was sitting on the truck and behind him was back-projection, cleverly modify with long-shots that were real and real film when he got on and off. Back-projection was used a lot more in the earlier film because by 1981 it was possible to do a lot more filming outside because technology had improved.The 1981 film uses other techniques though. The prime(prenominal) of music is very important because the music nearly always has meaning, this can be as explained above or by the actual piece of music itself. Red River Valley is used again when George and Lennie are by the river and because it is a song about going home it suggests that George and Lennie are going t their new home, which will be the ranch. New World Symphony is used when George and Lennie are walking along after the visit to Aunt Claras and the certify chase. New World Symphony is based on a song waiver Home wh ich is used at funerals, this could mean that George and Lennie are on a trip to take one of them (Lennie) home for good. totally the music is played on the harmonica, which is a plaintive instrument that amplifies the point that the songs are making.The last scene by the river are almost word-for-word the same in both films. The second film is an adjustment on the first film so this is to be expected. Even the acting of the foursome men is very similar and the moving around is the same. This could be because the adaptors of the second film have liked the way the first film does this part of the production and could not think of a better way to do it so they did it in simply the same way as the first film.

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